It was so good to be able to return to the village of Sodogo, it is the village that I and my partner Bob Cloyd worked in last year. I had the opportunity to take three new team members with me this year, Linda, Jessica and Eric. Linda is the mother of Jessica and Eric is the husband of Jessica. We had a great time visiting with everyone I worked with last year and then we met many new people too.
We got to see the plow and cart that had been donated to the village, but the oxen that go with the plow and cart were out in the fields being trained. We did get to meet the trainer of the oxen when he came in for lunch. When their training is complete the oxen and the equipment will provide support for the pastor and church through the work that they will be able to do. Hopefully they will help generate income to help build a building for the church to meet in .
We spent two days in Sodogo and while there we were guest and asked to speak at a funeral where we had the opportunity to share the Gospel and console the parents whose small child had died. Most of the village people and government leaders and pastors in that area were attending. We had many people come to us for prayer after we shared our testimonies and comforting words from the scriptures. The second day in Sodogo we went from hut to hut and shared the Gospel and saw more people repent and accept Christ as their Savior. On our last day in Sodogo our brothers and sisters in Christ gave us a "going away gift" of a live chicken. And you know what......we had that chicken as part of our dinner the next night!
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