Greetings Everyone,
I must begin by apologizing for the long delay in getting this newsletter out. When I returned from Sudan in February I had to "hit the ground running" as we were scheduled to close on the sale of our home in Pearland on March 1. Before I left for Sudan we had not been able to find a new home to move our belongings too, but we had prayed that the Lord would provide and show us the right location and right house. I returned from Sudan on February 23 and on the 25th we found the home that we moved into on March 2. It was quite hectic packing and moving in the time frame that we had to accomplish it all in, but by the grace of God we are all settled in our new home in Grand Prairie Tx. I will provide our new mailing information later in the newsletter.
This years return trip to Sudan with e3 Partners Ministry was just as rewarding as last years. With another team of 21 people we traveled much the same route as last year but stayed at a different place on our arrival in Entebbe, Uganda. It is still a long trip across the Atlantic to London and another long flight into to Entebbe, Uganda. We did overnight again in Entebbe before traveling on to Moyo, Uganda. At this point in our travel things started to vary from last years trip. This year we stayed on the Sudan side of the border in Kajo Keji in a very nice compound with dormitory type rooms. This dormitory is in the same compound as David Kaya's home. David is the e3 Partners national coordinator for Sudan. By staying in Sudan we eliminated the lengthy border crossings and passport checks and were able to get an earlier start evangelizing or in setting up the medical clinics in the villages. We had all of our meals prepared for us in this same compound by ladies from the Kajo Keji Baptist Church. Overall it was a very comfortable place to stay and lots of opportunities for fellowship with each other and the Sudanese nationals. Each evening we had a time after dinner to share our stories and adventures of the day. It was another GREAT trip and I am ready to go again now that we are moved and resettled. However, there is one other thing that has to be overcome before I can go again. In the process of moving, I broke my left foot and it is still in a walking cast. This has been really difficult for me to cope with in that I LOVE to walk and usually walk about 15 miles each week. Please pray with me that this foot heals quickly and perfectly so as not to inhibit my walking in "the fields that are ripe for harvest " in Sudan or wherever else the Lord might lead me to.
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