Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wedding Dresses in Sudan (Jewel's Story)

The Women’s Ministry Project started out when I met some ladies last year under a tree while Pastor Joshua and I were walking to see another pastor. Joshua said we should ask the women what they wanted, so we did. They wanted to get together on a weekly basis to have a Bible Study and work on needlework. They had a place to do this but needed help with the study and they had very few materials like needles, crochet hooks and thread to work with. I told them that Lord willing I would return and bring some things with me to bless them.

On the last day of our time in Sudan I talked to Pastor David, who is the e3Partner in charge of Sudan, and I asked him what else I could do to bless the women. He replied “Bring some wedding dresses.” This seemed like a strange request. Little did I understand how this would be an outreach tool and would also demonstrate to the women how precious they were in His site.

This year I was so blessed seeing how excited the women (mostly already married) were just to put a dress on and see how they looked in the photo on my digital camera. I told them that was the way they truly looked to the Lord as He saw them when He looked at them because they truly were Daughters of the King.

In addition to the Wedding Dresses, I collected a lot of embroidery needles and thread and well as crochet hooks and knitting needles that I presented to them as gifts from their sisters in America. Therefore I want the craft project to also be a part of our outreach to these dear sisters.

I printed and framed the following to dedicate the Wedding Dress Ministry

The Perfect Marriage
A marriage is based on faith. A man and a woman have faith in one another, and make a verbal profession of that faith before God and man. This union results in the creation of a new being, the husband/wife which lasts until death separates them.

Our union with Jesus Christ is exactly the same. We come to know Him and believe His proposal and we make a verbal profession of our faith before God and man and enter into a new creation that lasts forever because death will never separate us for he who has entered into life if free from death

When we are united with Christ, we join together with other Christians all over the world to form The Bride of Christ and someday we will meet together at the ~~~~~~Wedding Feast of the Lamb~~~~~~

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