Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Visiting Women @ Limi Church
This is Lucia Adinga Lodu. She is the leader of the women at the Limi Church. She welcomed us to her village and shared about what the women there are hoping to do. It is their desire to plant a field and grow enough food to feed their families and hopefully have some left over to sell and have money to tithe to the church. They had the land available to them but did not have any implements or seed to get started. The three of us ladies form the USA visiting with them felt led to hire a tractor to have their field plowed quickly and then gave money to buy hoes to dig with and seeds to plant. It was the beginning of the digging and rainy season so time was of the essence in getting the seeds in the ground.

Meeting with the Women of the Church at Aliwa

Visiting Pastor Sam and the Women of Aliwa Baptist Church What a sweet time of fellowship we had at Aliwa Baptist Church. They have just completed their church building and Pastor Sam allowed us to be the first ones to meet in it. It is a very nicely built, natural to the culture building. I was very impressed with the workmanship and they said it was because of Pastor Sam's construction skills. We shared a few words of encouragement with them and then we shared a very nice meal of Casava Greens, Fried Chicken and Posho. These visits to the women of the churches have great meaning to me as a woman. The hospitality in this village was outstanding. They told us we could have land and could build our own tukels and live with them there if we ever wanted to. It made me want to move to Aliwa. They only had two homemade chairs in their church. I can't wait to see how it has prospered when I go there next time.

Meeting with the Women of the Baptist Church at Lukalili

Meeting with the Women of the Limi Calvary Baptist Church

Meeting with the Women of the Church at Mekor