This is from Rose Dima leader of Women's Ministry at First Baptist Church in Kajo Keji, South Sudan:
Praise the Lord, the Lord has been so good to us, the long awaited key women's seminar was held last Saturday and Sunday, March 30 & 31. Two women also came from Juba. We taught lessons on spiritual holiness, giving and tithing, roles of women in the church and a lesson on leadership. One lady from Joru church came with another lady who is a Sunday school teacher in her church, the fact is that she is teaching children, but she was not " born again". Thank God that she finally went back saved. Vicky Sadia who came from Juba, said she could not go back to Juba without baptism and so we had just come from baptizing her in one of the photos. 25 women from Kajo Keji and Juba attended the seminar. There is also a photo of the daughter of Rose and Edward. Her name is Carol and she was one year old on March 30.