Sodogo Christian Church is the first church that I was part of starting in Sudan in 2007. I also visited and evangelized further in the area this past February. Please keep them in your prayers as they struggle daily to survive and then to have things like this happen just makes it even more difficult. I am quite sure there was not one of them that had the $10 to pay even if it might have prevented the beating.
From Mike Congrove
E3 Country Strategy Coordinator for Sudan
Just got this today from Kaya. For your context, Sodogo
is an area near Kajo Keji.
From David ….
Greetings in the name of our Savior of the world. Today
after prayers the church came back for evening fellowship.
Towards the end of the fellowship, Pastor Edward this
morning went to Sodogo. He came back with news of
Persecution of the brethern in the Local church.
The chief of Sodogo made some sacrifices to demons asking
the demons to identify all the killers of the clan. They
killed a goat and made all the people to eat the liver
uncooked. Most of the believers of the church of the
church of Sodogo refused to eat the uncooked liver. This
thing happened during the time of the conference. Most of
our believers were in the conference by then, then after
their return the chief ordered them to be beaten and pay
15.000 shillings [$10 USD]. Just to be short with the
story some of them were beaten and charge to pay money.
Pray for the church in Sodogo.
Pastor Kaya David Daniel
E3 Country Director Sudan
Union Baptist Church
Isaish 58:12. You shall raise up the foundations of many